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Case Converter

Please paste or type text below to convert.
UPPER CASE lower case Title Case Sentence case Capitalized Case
Inverse Case Normalized with Single Space Normalized with Double Space

The "UPPER CASE" button converts all the inputted characters into capital letters, as shown in the text on the button.

The "lower case" button converts all the inputted characters into small, or lower-case letters, as shown in the text on the button.

The "Title Case" button converts all the inputted characters such that the first letter of every word that is not a preposition, conjunction, or article, and has fewer than four letters, is capitalized.

The "Sentence Case" button converts all the inputted characters to resemble a conventional sentence, where the first letter at the beginning of each sentence is capitalized. Note that "Sentence Case" cannot account for proper nouns. Names such as "jamie" or places like "the united states of america" for example, would need to be manually capitalized. Punctuation is also not added to the end of the sentence, and extra white space, or lack of spaces, is not accounted for. Refer to "Normalized with Single Space" or "Normalized with Double Space" to handle some of these cases.

The "Capitalized Case" button capitalizes the first letter of every word, including prepositions, conjunctions, and articles (unlike Title Case).

The "Inverse Case" switches between upper case and lower case of all the inputted characters.

The "Normalized with Single Space" button "normalizes" inputted text and characters. The purpose of the converter is to "clean up" a text input by removing awkward formatting or white space, as well as adding spaces where necessary. It removes additional white space between characters and certain punctuation. It also adds a single space after punctuation markers that end a sentence (period, exclamation mark, question mark). In addition, it generally converts inputted characters to a sentence format without changing case (while ignoring line breaks). The only difference between the "Normalized with Single Space" and "Normalized with Double Space" option is the number of spaces added after punctuation that ends a sentence.

The "Normalized with Double Space" button "normalizes" inputted text and characters. The purpose of the converter is to "clean up" a text input by removing awkward formatting or white space, as well as adding spaces where necessary. It removes additional white space between characters and certain punctuation. It also adds two spaces after punctuation markers (for more formal writing) that end a sentence (period, exclamation mark, question mark). In addition, it generally converts inputted characters to a sentence format without changing case (while ignoring line breaks). The only difference between the "Normalized with Double Space" and "Normalized with Single Space" option is the number of spaces added after punctuation that ends a sentence.